Welcome to the forums! have a fishy stick! http://www.uesp.net/wiki/General:Fishy_Stick
I've never noticed any markings on jars in skyrim
Gonna look for a picture of what you mean.
Welcome to the forums, we do not bite...............much................well........maybe Hevnoraak, but all he wants is a hug........I THINK...........
The scrawls and jars mean nothing as far as anybody can tell. the only people who know are the devs who made them.
I had NO clue there are conspiracy theories on this bug in a jar thing O_o
welcome to the forums! I would present you with your fishy stick, but Persona beat me to it
as for your question:
there is no clear meaning to these etchings, however there are many theories that are debated upon...
I have seen theories saying they hint at some secret quest, however the CK debunks that pretty fast...
the people down in the lore forums have tried deciphering the runes on the lids a few times, but last I checked they had not reached a consensus on any meaning..
there is a theory that it has something to do with summoning Talos..
I also read a theory where, if you Connect the Major Holds on the map, you get a circle, and then if you look at the locations of the jars and a few other key locations, you get a Transmutation Circle (like the one to make the Philosophers stone from Full metal Alchemist), which when activated would cause the LDB to ascend to some form of godhood (even though thats goes against lore in so many ways)..
my personal theory, after looking through the CK and reading other peoples theories, they simply put them in the game to screw with us...