Agoraphobia. noun, Psychiatry.
Agoraphobia. noun, Psychiatry.
Part of the reason why I'm making this character is because I NEVER read books in-game.
I originally dwelled on making a librarian, but this seems far more interesting.
It's very possible to make a script that deals damage to you when in outside cells. Add a mod that prevents you from fast travelling and you're done.
I never leave the house either, so this character will actually be a reflection of me.
Only he can cook. xD
I was going to suggest you try to find one other thing to keep you occupied, since roleplays like these tend to get boring very quickly, but it seems you've got it covered.
After a while one would get sick of reading the same book or need to complete the collection and the only way to find them is to loot them from places. I guess that would be a good incentive to raid caves and ruins, but that still means meeting people.
He develops Agoraphobia AFTER meeting Sheogorath, by this time he already has a home.
He will already have lots of books and food but when outside, he may drink Skooma when in panic.
I have infinite amounts of spare time.
That's a really good point actually. He will be totally sane from Helgen to Sheogorath, after that he will begin to have negative experiences around people. That's when he will horde the food, books, etc and find himself a permanent home. He will then develop the full disorder once indoors.
It will be harder and harder for him to leave the house until he eventually NEVER leaves the house. At which point he will start writing a diary.
Probably because you, apparently, have played Skyrim for 6700 hours?
I forgot to ask, are mods an option? Hunger mods could possibly add to the experience, though I wonder if death in familiar territory would be preferable to death outside meaning it probably wouldn't make a difference anyways. But I guess you're willing to handwave that, so whatever. Not like this is RL agoraphobia.
What house are you planning on using? Do you have some familiar places that the character considers safe spots where they can retreat to if they somehow ended up far from home?
I'm planning on using Breezhome which is the home in Whiterun if I'm not mistaken. No mods as I am on xbox 360.
Safe spots? Hmm, he may have some close friends, but no more than around three.
I suggest you just not respond if you don't like a thread or it's content or ideas. We just don't allow members to call others threads ridiculous.
A bunch of posts removed.
For the reasons summer stated above, and the thread was totally derailed with flaming.
Hmmmm...what if you brought a companion with you all the time? Which would be somebody you're very close with in RP.
You could RP that the companion would protect you from too personal matters. And that he or she would do the talking for you, if you happened to need something.
You know, like a bodyguard in crowded areas.
That's an excellent idea. Maybe Lydia? I'll definitely take this into account.
As you say, my character would have to be very close to the NPC. Lydia would be perfect because she has a free roam of the house.
As opposed to say.. Sven, who would just peep over my shoulder all of the time.
Well, I've played...
* A bunny-hating Imperial spellsword
* A fanatically pro-Empire Dunmer battlemage
* An excessively compassionate Khajiit vampire assassin
* A mostly nonviolent wandering Nord alchemist
* A Dwemerphile Redguard warrior
* And a fanatically anti-Thalmor Altmer shock mage.
Distinctiveness is what makes a character fun. So if you think you can get some meaty roleplaying out of this character, by all means give it a try.