So in the course of my Heavily Modded Morrowind LP, I have been asked by a LOT of people to distribute my list of mods for download.
I have packed them into numbered archives (in install order) and even though I have 183 mods installed (not to mention all the non-esp tweaks and replacers) I am wary about how I should approach this.
First off, where to host? It is upwards of 7gigs of content and even though it is split into 14 different files I am not sure where I should host them. Modding sites like Nexus and PES? Some basic file-hosting site? Torrent? My up-speed is horrendous so I'd be a terrible seed and I don't know how to make a torrent in the first place.
Secondly, what is the etiquette for something like this? Do I need permission from every mod-maker to do this? Will they really mind me promoting their work?
Any feedback would be great!