Hello everyone - it's been awhile since I've been on the forums and I was hoping I could get either some help or advice with something. I've been bit once more by the Skyrim-bug and wanted to start fresh. I'm planning to create a male Dunmer - a member of House Telvanni, a pure mage (maybe make use of the Bound Dagger spell for melee as well, but mainly focus on the use of spells), using Necromancy and undead summons over Atronachs seeing as the Telvanni are perfectly fine with Necromancy (a reason I love them). Now, there's a problem I have - a name. I know that the uesp website has lists of name examples for each of the playable races from previous games, however I want a name that is both original and lore-friendly, something that fits the naming conventions of the race I choose to make a character of. So far, I only have one idea for a male Dunmer name - Valthis Drenoth, but feel uncertain about the name. Think any of you could throw your two septims in, tell me if the name sounds like it would belong to a male Dunmer mage, or if not, help me out or offer any friendly advice. Thank you for your time, everytime.*smiles*