Hey guys,
I'm running this script as part of a quest. I'm calling it through a quest stage. However, when I run it, nothing gets added to my inventory.
Scriptname ffsMissionHandler extends Quest LeveledItem Property LItemEnchWeaponAnySpecial Auto Function GiveWeapon() Debug.MessageBox("Give Weapon"); Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(LItemEnchWeaponAnySpecial, 1, false);EndFunction
In my quest stage I have a stage that has a fragement that looks like this:
The script runs, the debug message is shown and the objective compltes, but no item is given to me. There isn't any errors in the papyrus logs either. I'm scratching my head here trying to figure out whats going on.
1. I tried replacing the levelled item with a static item, same deal.
2. The property is correctly set in the properties menu and its not null
Anyone have any ideas?