Hey everybody. Having some trouble that I'm hoping somebody can help me with. I made a small and simple mod that changes the Smithing skill tree into one linear branch, combining both sides, for personal use. It works flawlessly with Dawnguard and the vanilla game, and functions with Dragonborn's new materials. For the life of me, I can't get Dragonborn's respec option (the one you get at the end of the main questline) to properly clear the perks. I've rummaged around the Creation Kit and looked at a few of the scripts to try to change them, but I've had no luck.
What can I do to make it so the respec option will work with my mod?
I threw the mod on the Nexus when I made it. If it would help, I could post a link but I'm not sure if that counts as advertising so I'll go ahead and hold off on that.