What's the highest experience level ..

Post » Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:45 am

What's the highest experience level you've attained on a character ?

I've seen someone saying they had a character to exp lvl 232 or somewhere around there.

Another question, assuming the things you fight level with you in areas, if you are level 200+ , are the monsters also level 200+? My MAIN question is this though, isn't a character's damage based mainly off his skill levels ?

So, supposing you were level 200+, and the monsters level with you, so they are level 200+, but since your skill levels cap at level 100, do the monsters also cap at level 100? If not, I was thinking that once you got to a certain level, on any difficulty, the monsters would eventually be impossible to kill ? Does Skyrim get to a point like that, eventually?

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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:53 am

There are caps to enemy leveling. Dragons scale pretty high, but I don't think they go past "legendary". I think a lot of enemies like bandits and what not cap way lower, like level 50 maybe

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Amy Masters
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Post » Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:10 pm

bandits stop at level 25

most enemies have their highest creature (Draugr death overlord as an example) stop at level 50 though most stop before that besides the strongest version.

Dragons stop at around level 75 when the Legendary Dragons start appearing, but ONLY legendary dragons are that high.

Each creature has a level bandwidth they can be (ex. Normal bandits are really only ever level 1 and Bandit outlaws are around level 6) and they never actually increase in level, instead, just higher level enemies start appearing.

And yes, you character's damage does not scale with Character level but with skill level a Level 50 character and a level 300 character who have the same perks and weapon and both have 100 one-handed will do the same damage.

EDIT: forgot to mention my characters, i have yet to truly finish a character, mostly because i lost my highest level character to a bad script mod. The character was level 58 and i did the MQ, College, Dawnguard, and was doing Dragonborn.

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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:10 am

Skryim, above level 50, is pretty much capped. In the vanilla game, random dragon attacks will mostly be Ancient dragons. Most damage skills are maxed out, and armor (if the player chooses) is near, at, or above the cap (80%).

Playing above this, to me, is just because people enjoy the game and the leveling is just a side bonus of a continued game. It seems many were upset the game capped at level 81, but the last patch effectively removed this cap so players, using the same character, can swap their skills out and play differently without having to endure the mundane repetition of skill building from scratch.

The downside to this is there are few enemies that scale with the player. I've read (Ancient) dragons will scale with the player, but I don't know if that's true. If one has taken advantage of everything the game offers, it's not impossible to kill Ancient dragons quickly and effortlessly.

The only bonus I could see is sliding the difficulty setting to Master or Legendary, but this is only practical until such caps are reached again. One-shotting can still be possible, but not with tougher enemies.

The game's design is the biggest factor in this. The fact we enter a ruin at Level 1 and it stays Level 1 forever is the biggest design flaw of the game, in my opinion.

For that, I generally will reset my game at level 50. I see no reason to continue further if I can easily walk up to an Ancient dragon and slap it with my iron dagger and kill it easily (Adept).

I'd slide the difficulty bar, but having arrow sponges doesn't make for a better game to me.

Now, if we change the subject to Oblivion... :wink:
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:36 pm

Current character is level 52, another is level 59. Neither has yet started Dawnguard or Dragonborn. My gals still have some problems with staying alive, and I play on adept.

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Post » Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:58 am

Usually when characters hit roughly level 50-60, they have done pretty much all major quests and quest lines, essentially running out things to do. Or that's the impression I've gotten from my own experience.

My highest character was above level 60 but can't remember accurately.

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Rachel Cafferty
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