What DOOM 4 needs to become another great game is described below:
Return back to it's roots.It needs to have open ended levels with plenty of puzzles,deadly traps and of course monsters.The level should be designed such that it allows the players to discover the horrifying events as they unfold and fight their way through it or sneak and evade using intelligence.Because the game is not a straightforward shooter like Cod(no offense).It's a horror game that's meant to give you the 'goosebumps'! The puzzles should be designed in a difficult way that'll make players use their brains rather than their button mashing strength.For example:Suppose an insane number of monsters are closing on you from every side.You're armed with only a pistol and you have a door in front of you as your only escape.But to open that requires you to figure out a code for the password protected door.Do you try to fight off the waves of demons like an idiot or do you take a calm look within the puzzle to solve out the security code.You need to figure out the password quickly because they're closing on you. Some exciting moments like that.But not some super scripted action packed hollywood style dramatic escape sequences.That's too common in video games.It needs to become like old school games with pretty less handholding but more hardcoe that forces players to figure things out themselves.
And the atmosphere and in-game events that unfold should be the basis of storytelling and not replaced by a long cutscene.When a game allows players to invent and discover rather than hand it over to them,then the game becomes immersive and more interesting.
Then DOOM 4 should have weapons that feel more tight and responsive.DOOM 3 weapons felt too light and somewhat useless despite not being the latter.The weapon sounds should be heavy and realistic.The levels need to be BIG and open like the first DOOM games.Some game sections should have you go through and explore Hell so that there are fewer modern infrastructures to add refreshment into the game.There should be multiple paths of approach and plenty of teleporting stuffs and other game elements that serve as puzzles and escape routes.And the game could also have a post credit level that shows what happens after the game like the player getting killed in the end or the world is drawn to a worse condition despite the player's tiring efforts.What do you think? Your opinions are welcome...