Hi guys and girls,
--spoilers around Daedra quests below--
I am currently playing a holy character, a follower of the 9 Divines (or 8 if you will). As such a character, I feel that there isn't enough options with regards to the Daedra quests for this type of character.
Fortunately there are some great Mods:
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24224/ (this links to three mods).
However I feel that more needs to be done - as such I am intending to make a small mod which will address ALL Daedra quests, giving divine players adequate options to complete them. (I hope to get permission from the mod creators to add their changes into this mod).
I have some ideas but I do not know if they are lore friendly or not. Does anyone have any suggestions for each quest?
Azura: I feel that the current option allows for a good ending. is this lore friendly or does another option need adding?
Boethiah: I feel the above mod provides a good option.
Clavicus Vile: Really not sure what the best way to do this is? Is Killing the Dog making the Daedra weaker or does the dog being alive make it weaker? Suggestions welcome.
Hermaes Mora: I feel that the moment you are required to get the blood- is the moment that a new option needs to be presented - I am considering the option to kill the quest giver and somehow destroy the puzzlebox.
Hircine: Again - not 100% sure- perhaps killing the werewolf at the start and then destroying the ring?
Malacath: I feel that in it's own way- the quest is a good one (helping out orcs) but feel the weapon should be destroyed.
Mehrunes Dagon: Not killing the quest giver at the end?
Mephala: Completing the quest is good (removes the corruption from windhelm) but the weapon needs destroying.
Meridia: This is a good quest - and the weapon seems holy - lorewise would a knight of the divines use this weapon?
Molag Bal: The above mod link seems sufficient.
Namira: The above mod link seems sufficient.
Peryite: The quest itself seems to be ok (killing daedra worshipers) I just feel that you need an option to be duped into seeing Peryite and add a dialogue option.
Sanguine: Holy men don't drink- I feel that just ignoring this guy in a bar is sufficient enough. IF you disagree please express your thoughts.
Sheogorath: I find this tough - it starts off odd- and you are duped into the quest. I almost feel the holy warriror would complete the quest and destroy the artefact after?
Vaermina: There is a sufficient good ending already.
Note: I would consider adding a holy priest in the game who would "destroy" weapons in a similar way the Skull of corruption can be destroyed. Upon destruction a different and comparable award would be presented.
Please let me know your thoughts I want to ensure the work I do fits closely with the lore of the game!