That painted a rather... graphically mature image there MPK.
... I like it.
Some of the maces are amazing looking. Like the Mace of The King of Swing and the Ebony, Daedric and Orcish. The speed is not an issue if you dual wield w/ a dagger in the off hand. The mace then swings with the speed of the dagger.
However, around 5%, if that, are some of my characters that prefer maces over blades. I have a mod filed away that implemented the use of a hammer. Basically taking all of the 2H weapon models and shrinking them down. It seems like the speed was tweaked a bit as well. I can't remember.
That was back during the first year of release. There are several armor and weapon compilation mods out that add a ton of new items. Maces are complemented with raw clubs. I say raw but some are very impressive.
None the less, The hammer mod and a few others that add maces are not part of the compilations. I need those back. Especially if I play another Holy Paladin. That steel hammer shrunken down looks like he's carrying an
Dual wield maces + Dragon Aspect + Elemental Fury = Quickly dead enemies.
I have a One-Handed Mace & Shield character
He's a bit of a tank, and I can appreciate Maces for being so neglected. Even Bethesda neglected them, there's so few unique Mace artifacts compared to swords, and even so few of Kill-cams as well.
I made an Imperial treasure hunter type character who loves using her mace to smash enemies. She had an Orcish mace that she carried for the longest time. I like the bone breaker perk.
The Orcish mace and the Ebony mace are my favorites.
Sadly that is true
The Only unique mace I can think of in skyrim is the mace of molag bal. Never used blunt in oblivion but i'm pretty sure maces were forgotten there aswell.
Well, there are no unique war axes as far as I can tell, either.
I love Maces, personally, they are, and always have been my favorite one-handed weapons in TES series.
I still wish that since War-Hammers were historically a one-handed weapon, that Bethesda replaced the Maces with War-Hammers and replaced the War-Hammer with a Morning-Star (Two handed Mace)
Here are the weapons..
I also wish they would've added a club, ya know, a Mace without spikes..
AH yes now i rememeber, i want flails!
Oh hey the mace of molag ball is like the 16th entry when you search "mace" in google images.
My last character Bodulfr a Nord used a dragonbone mace with the targe of the blooded, looked pretty sweet with dragonplate armor. The dragonbone mace has the highest base damage for a 1 handed weapon, also it sits perfectly on the hip with no clipping or too far from hip issues.
Bodulfr making a last stand against an Imperial legion with a few companions and stormcloaks at his side.
So swords get all the glory? Thats kinda unfair :/
Damn faithless bethesda
Pretty much this that and their perks are useless, seeing how none of the NPCs/enemy have an armor rating.
The ax's bleeding perks can be useful, if combined with Targe of the Blooded.