With all the negative press that has been rearing its ugly head in the last few weeks surrounding ESO, I think Zenimax's only recourse is to lift the NDA.
As Evarwyn on last night's ESOTR podcast stated (http://elderscrollsotr.mymiddleearth.com/2014/01/02/episode-94-dont-feed-the-trolls/), they should lift the NDA now so those people who have positive things to say about the game can speak their mind publicly and properly engage with those who have only negative things to say.
No one is supposed to break NDA, but those that do are more often than not the ones who do not care about playing again and are just looking to hurt the game. Going all the way back to worstyoutube, we have seen this time and time again: the leaks are usually done for some malicious reasoning, not simply informational. Then the press picks up on these things and doom-says the game to hell and back.
I think it is high time that they allow those who have positive things to say a chance to speak out as well.
I admit I am not the strongest proponent of the game and I am critical of several things, but overall I love it and want to see it succeed.
There is no more powerful marketing tool than word-of-mouth and I think it's time they trust their testers, trust their game and lift the NDA. We now have exactly 90 days before launch and I fear the longer they wait, the less chance they will have of swaying anyone who has already dismissed ESO as "doomed" or as "not worth it."
It's time to act, IMO, not wait until open beta, not wait another month. 3 months away the game should be more or less in fully working condition. It's time ESO open the floodgates, roll the dice and take the plunge. IMO it can't get any worse than it is now, especially with all the awesome stuff that I CAN'T MENTION BECAUSE I'M UNDER NDA. There is literally a TON of things that I know would make nay-sayers turn their heads and people on the fence go "wow, really?" But I can't say any of that because of the NDA.
What do you guys think?
An addendum: I truly believe that is the sad fact of our current society that marketing is the make-or-break aspect to any IP. How many times have we seen amazing games, movies and other media products stamped out because of shoddy or non-existent marketing, and vice versa, the crap rise to the top because they had huge marketing budgets? Sadly, with the massive marketing budget ESO has, it does not seem to be enough to sway public opinion. That's where word-of-mouth becomes so powerful. If people could post on facebook, or tweet about the awesome time they had in ESO beta, things would get a lot sunnier for ZOS IMO. If people with a positive angle could actually engage the naysayers in debate, things would get a lot rosier for ZOS IMO.