Warrior mode:
Archery: 100 - Auriels Bow
Block: 85 - Targe of the blooded
Heavy Armor: 100 - Steel plate, steel horned helmet, steel nordic guantlets, steel shin boots
One-handed: 100 -Skyforge steel war-axe
Smithing: 100
Two Handed: 90 - Dragonbone greatsword
Mage style:
Restoration: 78 - Close wounds
Destruction: 62 - Flame cloak
Conjuration: 70 - Soul trap
Enchanting: 91
Illusion: 53 - Hysteria
Alteration: 68 - Paralyze
Sneak thief:
Light Armor: 87 (Dragonscale set)
Sneaking: 94
Pickpocket: 52
Speech: 81
Alchemy: 29 (lol)