Advice wanted on using the courier

Post » Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:26 pm

I've never used the courier to deliver notes/start quests but to progress a quest I am working on this will be the best method. A few questions before I delve into this new territory. Can I change the race of the courier? I want the courier to deliver a note at a particular stage of a quest how can I initiate this? Is it best practice to copy the courier quest and the courier then rename them for my own use? Are there any good tutorials that I can watch/read to learn more?

Thanks all.

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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:25 am

The courier is a bit of a tangle really, you'd be much better of to prevent conflict making your own and then you can change race etc. Using the existing courier for guidance is how I've made my own custom courier.

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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:51 am

Using the Courier is pretty simple as long as you don't want him to use any custom dialog. By default he'll say "Got something to deliver, your hands only." then give you the items, followed by "Looks like that's it! Got to go.", but be sure to read the rest of the thread, as there are a couple of corrections. Basically, just add the items to his inventory when your quest starts, and make sure the player is set as the item owner. I've used him to deliver the startup items for Festive Flight and the Noble Chaurus.

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Post » Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:06 pm

That is a very good tutorial but for my needs it will fail on a some accounts. I still have the question where do I place the courier in my world? How far away from the player should he be?

Let me paint the scenario, the point in the quest where I am at.

An assassin has agreed to team up with the player in order to get treasure. The player and the assassin both have a piece of a puzzle which will open a door to the treasure, so they need each other. After a short conversation in an inn the assassin tells the player she will let him know when she has discovered the location of the treasure and she leaves, let's say it's now stage 100. I will setup the courier as a separate quest linked to the find treasure quest. If I now trigger the courier quest I am sure that within a game hour he will find the player even if he travels across my complete world, BTW is the courier disabled at the start? Ideally I want a game day to pass before the courier starts his journey.

I know its a big ask but how can I achieve this?


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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:23 pm

The easiest way is to use a timer function script on your quest like this:


Scriptname MyTimerScript extends Quest ConditionalInt Property stage  Auto  Function myTimerFunction()    RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(24) ;this is the hours you want to delayEndFunction Event OnUpdateGameTime()    SetStage(stage) ;or use this to do other stuff, in my case I set a stage in my questEndEvent

Add this script to your quest and in the stage you set when your assassin leaves, you said it was 100, right? In stage 100 you want to add "kmyQuest.myTimerFunction()" to the stage fragment and select your timer script in the kmyquest dropdown. When this stage fires, it should run the timer and set whatever you put in the OnUpdateGameTime event.

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