
Post » Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:04 pm

Anyway who cares, we have BF4 releasing soon!

BF4- Meh, I've never been hyped up about any BF game.

I agree, CoD and BF indeed are exactly the same games. In fact I would be hard pressed to spot a single difference, they are completely identical in every aspect aren't they?

All FPS makers have recently somehow got it in their heads that CoD is somehow a good game and they all seem to be following suit.

Yes BF has more tactical opportunities, environmental damage, etc... Though at the core, they are the same, all reality war games are.
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Post » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:47 am

We have to look at what COD did for the FPS genre. Mainly COD4, the best COD IMO.

Hit Markers - AWESOME
Kill Streak Rewards - AWESOME. Now there is a reason to stay alive and not just rush in everywhere. We'll get into how this has gone over the edge with the later installments.
Customizable Load Outs - Perks system, Weapons, Attachments.

Before there were load out shooters, players would have to go around and find where each weapon spawned.

In my opinion any FPS game with multiplayer should have hit markers. Except for in a no-hud ultra realistic game mode.

Kill Cams. MP FPS games without kill cams are seriously lacking. I don't want to see a report of how much damage the guy did on me, I want to see where I got shot from.

Kill Streak Rewards. The 3 kill radar cannot be denied it is potentially one of the best things to happen to FPS games. Beyond that it gets hazy where some rewards can be over powering and simply too dominating. They sure are fun to get though. Having low streaks like 3,5,7,10 keep you always in the game. When MW2 came out and you customized your streaks it made it get worse because instead of going for short kill bursts you had people camping to get 7-11-15 kill streaks.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:55 am

We have to look at what COD did for the FPS genre. Mainly COD4, the best COD IMO.

Hit Markers - AWESOME
Kill Streak Rewards - AWESOME. Now there is a reason to stay alive and not just rush in everywhere. We'll get into how this has gone over the edge with the later installments.
Customizable Load Outs - Perks system, Weapons, Attachments.

Before there were load out shooters, players would have to go around and find where each weapon spawned.

In my opinion any FPS game with multiplayer should have hit markers. Except for in a no-hud ultra realistic game mode.

Kill Cams. MP FPS games without kill cams are seriously lacking. I don't want to see a report of how much damage the guy did on me, I want to see where I got shot from.

Kill Streak Rewards. The 3 kill radar cannot be denied it is potentially one of the best things to happen to FPS games. Beyond that it gets hazy where some rewards can be over powering and simply too dominating. They sure are fun to get though. Having low streaks like 3,5,7,10 keep you always in the game. When MW2 came out and you customized your streaks it made it get worse because instead of going for short kill bursts you had people camping to get 7-11-15 kill streaks.

hit markers- eh you don't really need them, on pc before hit makers you get a noise when you hit a player and on say and xbox the controller would vibrate when you hit them, as well as vibrate b/c you were shooting the gun. that and most the time you get hit markers from other things like using a rpg or 9bangers. how many times have we all thrown a 9banger or or frag around the corner or in a room just to see if someone was in there? it anything you should only have hit markers with guns only nothing else no rockets nades nothing imo.

kill cams- that has helped but i dont like the one cod has i dont care about how i died i can see what they killed me with in the kill feed i want to know were he or she is, that's why i like the bfbc2/3 and csgo style kill cams it shows where they are at.

kill steaks- tbh i never liked how someone on the other team could kill 3 knobs on your team and then see the rest of yout team b/c of that. im more to liking ones that help the team out like more ammo or something, giving someone more kills b/c they got a few kills never made sense to me.
being on top of the leader bored with the fewest deaths was always the incentive for me to do well( or as the kids say now a days, tryhards)

Customizable Load Outs - Perks system, Weapons, Attachments, well i'm fine with that even if i like it more like halo where you need to know the map to get other weapons and not just know where the spawns are (i wonder if that's why some many players say a lot of fps games have shitty spawns?, don't get me wrong some do but having weapons around the map might help to move players around the map to other spots more than hey just run over to their spawn area)

but one thing i hate the most are perks,i never liked how to could just reload ones gun faster b/c hey i have this perk, and im not even going into pro perk idea, but if game devs are just bent on having it in their game the way i would go about it is make it classed based, like the class can reload faster but that's it the perk never changes in anyway unless there is a class like the spy from tf2 where their perk bloks all the other perks when in range, but that class wouldn't have any real hard hitting power up front like the tf2 spy.

well this is just how i feel about it you did make some good points but i just wanted to get my points across with out this being TO long lol, look forward to reading you're reply on the matter.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:04 am

Would definitely be up for a PS4 Crysis game, was quite surprised they didn't hold off Crysis 3 for the next gen consoles to begin with considering how much Crytek loves it's graphics :P

Highly doubt Crysis 3 would be getting re-released though and don't know if I could even be bothered rebuying it even it was with upgraded graphics.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:50 am

Anyway who cares, we have BF4 releasing soon!

BF4- Meh, I've never been hyped up about any BF game.

I agree, CoD and BF indeed are exactly the same games. In fact I would be hard pressed to spot a single difference, they are completely identical in every aspect aren't they?

They added vehicles in CoD Versus? :O
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Hella Beast
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Post » Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:38 pm

They added vehicles in CoD Versus? :O

Yup, including flying ones! Also the maps suddenly became 25x bigger. And then BF4 copied all that...the nerve...
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