Is there a command to clear stolen flags on specific (crafti

Post » Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:06 am

Hello all,

This isn't exactly a question specific to any particular mod, but I figure the regular visitors here would be most likely to know the answer to my question, so here it is...

Is there any console command, or at least a mod, which will allow me to 'launder' all my 'Misc' items, thus clearing the stolen flag from all of them? The reason I ask is because there are some bugs either in Oblivion itself, in MMM's crafting, or some function of another mod I'm running (but I'm quite sure this issue exists in vanilla Oblivion) which cause the game to crash when you have many of the same item (feathers, silver junk, metal junk, etc) and some of them are stolen while others aren't. The way this problem presents itself, is that I may have an inventory showing this (* = stolen):

*2 Feathers
8 Feathers

Then I click on the 2 stolen feathers to drop them or move them into/out of a container (like the bag of holding or purse of wonders or an automagic bag, or a standard crate or sack, the problem is irrespective of container type) and the display changes to something like the following:

*14 Feathers
8 Feathers

Now, those 14 stolen feathers didn't just come out of nowhere, I did in fact have this many feathers in the container (at least 2+8+14, usually more), they just weren't showing in the same pile, and were in fact inaccessible to me until I moved the 2 that they were 'behind'. I suspect this may be something related to multiple items having the same item name but varying ObjectIDs, though I'm not sure how to verify such a guess. At this point, if I try to click the 14 stolen feathers to also move THEM out of the container, the game will crash to desktop. This is repeatable, though if I move the 2 feathers, save the game, reload the game, I am then able to move the 14 feathers successfully, though may immediately be faced again with the same problem a click or two later.

I have many mods installed, but as I said I am confident that this issue is present in vanilla Oblivion, and vanilla Oblivion with unofficial patches. I distinctly recall running into this problem about 2 months after starting to play the GOTY edition a year ago; in that context it was stolen+salvaged(non-stolen) Silver Longswords (from Imperial Guards) which were the focus of the crash.

I have noticed others referring to this problem in a few threads but couldn't see anywhere that the issue is resolved, or adequate workarounds offered. I am comfortable with using Wrye Bash, is there a possibility that some 'name merge' magic might resolve this instability by forcing the piles of objects to combine? There should only ever be two piles each of feathers/silver urns/100-durability silver longswords/etc, one for stolen and one for non-stolen.

Any advice on the matter would be appreciated. Thanks for reading. :)

- Gliktch

EDIT: Oops, I realize I didn't stay true to the original title of my post, but another thought I had was that, if I could clear the stolen flag from all items having this problem, it may reduce or eliminate the crashes (at least make it fewer piles so less saving+loading).

EDIT2: I say Misc items since this is where 99% of these issues occur. It's very uncommon for me to have multiple copies of the same non-misc item, with some stolen and some not, in my inventory at any given moment - but with crafting items the problem is ubiquitous.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:55 am

Another use for such a command or mod (to clear the stolen flag) would be in a completely different context - decorating my castle :P

Just now, I dumped a bunch of things on the floor of my new castle (Battlehorn) and waited outside for 73 hrs to make sure that it was safe to do so... upon picking up a gold vase I had stolen like a week earlier from the mages guild, my man-at-arms (who is supposed to be my loyal servant lol) let fly with "You dirty little filcher!" or something of that nature, and I was presented with the "You have been expelled from the Mages Guild..." dialog! The obvious problem here is that your own men should not be 'dobbing you in', but a workaround would be simply to clear stolen flags. Almost all the things I want to 'launder' are crafting items, ingredients and decorations - the stolen flag is irrelevant on the first two (since they will be reconstituted into new items that don't retain the stolen status of the source items) and the third, well... no-one else can come into my castle, so it should be irrelevant there as well.

Again, any suggestions are welcome. ;)

- Gliktch
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:09 pm is what I use for setting stolen items as my items, but it doesn't always work(I've never had this one item I stole get flagged proper by the spell, but it's really hot stuff, so I figured it was a normal event).
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Post » Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:01 am

Thanks for that YX33A. I can't believe I forgot about SetOwnership, which is mentioned in the comments for that mod (and does the same thing without having to install a new mod, just with less immersion) - it's just too bad that I need to drop the items before clearing the flag (which is just as much hassle as getting them into my inventory from storage bags then crafting with them)... If I knew the ObjectIDs of the actual in-world containers my Automagic Bags were referencing, I could 'clean' the contents of those containers before trying to remove anything from the bags (same with Purse of Wonders). I've already tried dropping my 'clutter' bag, clicking on it in console mode and using RemoveAllItems Player 0 (which is supposed to move the items in the referenced container to my inventory, without retaining ownership), but that did nothing since the Automagic Bags are not true containers, just scripted objects which access a container somewhere else in the world. Actually, putting a stolen sword in a barrel and running the same command moved the sword back to my inventory but it was still stolen - so I guess that only works for when you're stripping an NPC of everything (funny command btw lol - made easy if you install the "A Takes All" mod). It's easy enough for me to launder my sword now that I've been reminded of SetOwnership, but the main issue (my hundreds, possibly a thousand or more, crafting and decoration/collectible items) remains unsolved. :(

If there is a way for me to determine the ObjectIDs of the true containers that my Automagic Bags are referencing, I could try running SetOwnership against those refIDs and hopefully that would clear the stolen flag on the contents, at least cutting the problem in half. I don't see a gamesas topic on that mod though, and that info is not mentioned anywhere on its tesnexus page. I'm just now downloading the TES Construction Set which hopefully will give me a way to access this information (I'll post details here if I work it out). ;)
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Post » Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:56 am

Okay, from what I can see the true containers are called something like "KhetBags2ClutterContainerRef", but I don't know how to get the ObjectID of this element in my own game. I tried the console command save testing 1 then opened testing1.ess.txt and searched for "Clutter", finding only one reference in the entire file (relating to the bag object named " Clutter" in my inventory, which may not actually be the container) which gave a Form ID of 7A000F8F, but trying various combinations of "setownership 7A000F8F player" or "7A000F8F.setownership player" etc just gave errors, like it only wants to allow the setownership command on things you actually click on... Same with RemoveAllItems, there doesn't seem to be any way to get it to accept an explicitly defined reference unless it's done by clicking the target object. Is there a way around this? :/

Of course I don't actually know yet if the Form ID from the testing.ess.txt file is even the right reference that I need for the "KhetBags2ClutterContainerRef" container, but so far this is what I've come up with... Any help would be greatly appreciated.

- Gliktch

EDIT: Okay, I worked out the command "player.PlaceAtMe 7a000f8f" and it just spawned another copy of the scripted bag (not the actual container) so I still can't run setownership or removeallitems on the contents :( (if RemoveAllItems only clears the stolen flag when used on NPCs, hopefully it'd work if I used the command twice, once to move them all onto an NPC, then another to move them all back again).
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Post » Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:24 am

Well I ended up just taking one pile of each thing out at a time, crafting with them until they were all used up and then took out another pile (saving between lots) and got it all sorted eventually... now I'm trying a new character but running "setownership" against items before picking them up (crafting or decoration items only - I don't like to cheat :P) but in some cases the items seem fine in my inventory (no stolen hand), but depending on where I drop them (wilderness, someone's shop or home, or floor of a guild location) they sometimes give me the red hand again...

Should I be using something like "setownership player" instead of just "setownership"?
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