I've been wondering whether or not to get a PS3 not that the release of next-gen systems have lowered the price. I've had an XBOX for five years (the same one, actually, with no RRoD) and have recently got a PC which I will use for general gaming until I get it upgraded when my friends (with VERY good computers) upgrade in a couple of months, give me the parts and then I can start hardcoe PC gaming.
But I've always been generally uninterested in PS3, but the exclusives look interesting to say the least. And now that I will have money from nothing being bothered to ever do anything, I can save up and get a cheapish system and a boatload of cheap games. I know I'll get Killzone (loved the first one on PS2) and without a doubt Beyond Two Souls. Well, that is if there is any point even getting the system. Is there? Or should I just save for a while, stick to my XBOX/PC and wait until the next-gen consoles are cheaper?