Hi there!
In the CK I created a new worldspace (done this a few times before, so no beginner). I did some landscape editing and added a few meshes. In the CK everything looks perfect but when I "jump" to the worldspace and its cells (either by COW or COC) all I see are floating terrain cells, completely flat with no meshes at all.
I have tried some serious debugging but I'm completely stuck. I first thought the issue might depend on the fact that I put the water level below the land level but also trying it the other way round in another completely new worldspace yielded the very same result, this time just under water. It doesn't matter what changes I do, whenever I jump to my own world space it just shows as a number of flying terrain chunks, all completely flat with nothing on it but the standard texture.
I also remove every single mod, even the DLCs but it never changed anything.
Since the forum doesn't let me post the links to the pictures, I have to leave you guessing what it looks like... But I think my description was pretty accurate.
I never had this issue before while I did do landscape editing, even heightmap importing, before. Is it connected to Dragonborn DLC? Has anybody ever experienced this? What solution is there for this issue?
Thanks in advance!
Just found out that some cells really have the landscape the way I edited it but the other cells are all just floating around.