The Unofficial Skyrim Patch that most PC users use considers it a bug and corrects it so PC users using this patch (which most do) will not get the extra damage
The Unofficial Skyrim Patch that most PC users use considers it a bug and corrects it so PC users using this patch (which most do) will not get the extra damage
That is a bummer. Glad I am not playing on a pc. I like the extra 10/15% of damage I get in my fire spells.
I would be willing to trade AOT for fixed absorption and fixed blizzard but that bing said AOT+Augment2+Dual Flame Cloak+Fortify Destruction Potion+Slow Time+Fortify Alteration Potion = complete Epicness!
It's a shame, but it wasn't fixed on consoles T_T Lucky you for being on PC. I was clueless wilt my Atronach Build. I had 100% Absorb Magic, and wondered why I couldn't summon my Dremoras. I came to the forums and asked around, so people directed me to the Wiki and I saw the bug... Still, it was a fun build, but I rely way too much on Cojuration, so I never had another Mage with this effect (which means no more Mirrak Robes).
I will just stick with my destruction mage. lol
Conjuration plus Illusion will make you very powerful. Throw in enchanting and you can become overpowered.
You go girl!
To the OP, like others said, take the perks that go with the level spell you have and always remember that enchanting is your friend. Anything you can do to add more magika, reduce the cost to cast a spell and increase the magika regen is an absolute must for a mage. The most important thing to remember when playing as a mage is that your magika is your lifeline. Run out, and you're SOL.
Thank you. As far as running out of magicka, that is why I keep a back up ebony sword. lol Or in lower levels, any sword.
Don't I know. My ebony sword does 124% absorb health. I also use a silver sword. They have a perm +10 against all undead, and I enchant mine with 120% absorb health and soul trap.
EDIT. I do not put element damage on my swords cause I am a mage.
I love my silver swords. Even though the basic damage is so low, they work, plus the added feature of a perm effect works also. I also have a thing for the ebony sword. When ever I go into a town in the evening hours, I have my ebony sword in one hand and a flame cloak in the other. Just in case. I like it when the guards talk about my ebony sword.
Lol, I keep Marcurio as back up! He's the perfect mage follower, always keeps out of the way. Only downside is that he wants my magicka potions and Elsweyr Fondue... I have to cook for two! (Most mage followers will do - but when I played on console, I learned to avoid tank followers because of AOE spells...)
On a pure mage, I'd rather have staves as back up than swords, actually. Or daggers, like the warlocks and witches in the game. My witch always had a poisoned Blade of Woe ready. (My current illusionist is more of a "spellsword" or "nightblade" or whatever you call a combo or illusion, conjuration, restoration, one-handed and light armor with a little sneak on top. When he has followers in tow, he's pretty OP, but I recently had to take on a bunch of levelled enemies by myself and that was pretty damn hard. Luckily, I had just purchased Conjure Dremora Lord.)
Hear you on the followers. I use to have one, now, I quit having them. When trying to sneak in a dungeon with a bunch of deathlords, the follower steps on traps, gives away their presence so I have to save them, or they end up stepping right in front of my fireball and then I have to reload cause I have killed the follower. So I quit using them.
They can be very helpful on lower levels for those who have never played a pure mage before, but I did away with them a long time ago. I got tired of re-loads. lol
I hate followers and only use them when it is game required.
I love followers and always travel with them. They become my characters' bodyguards, packmules, best friends, lovers, spouses.