++ Folding@Home Thread # n+2 ++

Post » Tue Jan 07, 2014 5:17 pm

This thread concerns a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_computing project called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folding@home, run by http://folding.stanford.edu/Pande/VijayPandeCV and the Pande Group out of Stanford University in California. They also have members and equipment located at several other Universities. The basic scope of this project is to study the way proteins fold, or misfold, in the human body. The results of this research are aimed at finding treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, influenza, and some cancers. A list of the peer reviewed scientific papers that have come out of this project are http://folding.stanford.edu/English/Papers.

In October of 2006, Team Elder Scrolls was formed by Bycote on the Planet Elder Scrolls forum, but the thread has been lost to many forum changes. The thread on BGSF appeared soon after. Our team is small, but feisty. We are currently the #105 team in the world, based on total points produced. We've been fighting our way to the top 100 for several years now, and hope to reach it soon.


To join this project, and hopefully our team, you just need to download and install a small program. This was originally devised as a way to make use of the "spare cycles" on home computers- that's the computing capacity of your system, minus the portion you are actively using. If your computer is idle, Folding will use it all. If you are doing something, Folding is at a low priority, so it will back off and give you the resources you need.

The Folding @ Home client has evolved to take advantage of the greater capabilities of the newer hardware on the market yet will still perform as originally created on some of the oldest processors still in operation. If you look at our Folding Stats, the members near the top are contributing more hardware (multi-core cpus and higher powered gpus) while those near the bottom are running the way the project was originally envisioned- using the spare cycles on a single cpu core to run the program.

Supported Hardware
almost any Intel or AMD cpu (P III-450 or AMD equivalent)
ATi/AMD 5xxx or higher gpu
nVidia 8-series or higher gpu

Supported OS
Windows XP and up (cpu and gpu)
Mac OS X (cpu only)
Linux, many flavors (NEW- you can now run the new Core_17 GPU work units natively in Linux on both nVidia (400-series+) and AMD (not sure which cards) with the v7 client.) http://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=24469

It is recommended that we use the new Version 7 Folding Client. It was designed for a simple install and to allow a new member to be able to fold within minutes. This will look at your hardware and configure the client to use all the hardware it sees. If you'd like to use it all, choose Express install and accept the default settings- we can always help you change the configuration later if you change your mind. You are also given the option of choosing which hardware to use for folding.

To join our team, simply enter 52286 as the team number during the installation. If you will be running the SMP on a multi-core processor, ghttp://folding.stanford.edu/English/FAQ-passkeyto qualify for receiving the Quick Return Bonus (the faster you run it, the more points you get), and enter it during the installation. A new folder has to complete 10 SMP WUs with a passkey before they start getting the bonus. The newest GPU WUs also qualify for a QRB and need a passkey.

Current client download- https://fah.stanford.edu/projects/FAHClient/wiki/BetaRelease


Our thread numbering was screwed up several years ago, so I'm starting over with number "n".

Last thread- http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1416813-foldinghome-v120/


This new OP is still a work in progress. Please let me know if something needs to be changed or added.

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Harry Hearing
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