Share any references you found to past elder scrolls games or easter eggs from previous games. I wanted to make this thread after playing through Dragonborn again and hearing the amazing soundtrack. Made me miss the days of Morrowind....
Share any references you found to past elder scrolls games or easter eggs from previous games. I wanted to make this thread after playing through Dragonborn again and hearing the amazing soundtrack. Made me miss the days of Morrowind....
For Skyrim.. it's only been two years so I can't say that anything makes me nostalgic in the game.
The music however.. makes me recall past events and long for them. It's almost painful to listen to the soundtrack when not playing Skyrim. Not as agonizing as Oblivion's soundtrack mind you.
Well skyrim was my first game but I've played the others (Morrowind and skyrim are my favorites..I just can't get into Oblivion)
Keening reminded me of morrowind though, as does the Bonemold armor and the music.
Plus, the Bloodmoon DLC.
I've played the series since Morrowind, and I was ecstatic to see Bonemold armor in Skyrim. It looks amazing!
Summoning Dremora Lords always reminds of the days of Oblivion... and the first time I found the summon Dremora spell at the Chorrol Mages Guild... And being a die-hard conjurer ever since...
I don't let memories influence my opinions, but I still like to go back and play the games I grew up with, like Morrowind, and enjoy the odd reference here and there. Maybe I'm weird.
I was almost overcome with nostalgia when I saw the "Pride of Tel Vos." Same thing with the "New Gnisis Cornerclub." And, of course, the Morrowind tune they included. Hearing that, even now, sometimes still makes me a little misty-eyed.
I don't really "get" any nostalgia. Skyrim was my first TES game and I've barely played Oblivion. I started sometime last year. Gonna continue that playthrough soon.
TOTALLY agree on the soundtrack. After playing Dragonborn through once, I went out and bought Morrowing again and replayed it. WHO DOESN'T LOVE GIANT MUSHROOMS!!!
Another thing that made me remember past TES game is the Blades armor. Kinda obvious why, but really brought me back to Oblivion...
OH and M'aiq the Liar. Totally awesome. I think he was actually in (all??) of TES (except maybe Arena). He pretty much rocks. Wish he had a quest...
What I love most about M'aiq being in skyrim is...well...
Cliff+M'aiq+force push= FUN
M'aiq is done talking. Go bother somebody else........
i'm a noob. Never played any past titles, id love to go back and play them but they feel too dated, but not dated enough to make it feel retro, or whatever term i'm looking for.
You should! They're extremely cheap, and if you enjoy Skyrim, you would probably enjoy Oblivion. Not sure if you'd like Morrowind as much though, as it's more of a traditional rpg and is more complex. If you're playing on PC they're mods that make Morrowind look better than Oblivion! My computer isn't that good though, so I reluctantly play on console.
I got Morrowind with all DLC's for like 15 bucks on Amazon (totally new , too). Good deal. It was an origional Xbox game, but it's BC on most updated 360's...
I agree he's a little annoying, but the random a** s**t he says is funny! Never said I was in love with his or anything, but it does make me remember Morrowind and Oblivion...
Hearing Morrowind music in Skyrim.
The whole Solstheim experience.
Music mostly, sometimes locations. The Dragonborn DLC provides a Morrowind double whammy.
Heard the Daggerfall 'shop theme' a few months ago - brought back plenty of memories
So you can play games the way you want, but others can't ? Right.....