Vsynch issue ?

Post » Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:57 am

Greetings All !

I've been playing Skyrim for about a month now. Been trying to tackle what appear to be frequent video driver resets (screen goes completely black, yet monitor light stays green, and in maybe 10 seconds, video comes back just fine). Also, I've seen some strange things lately involving my followers ( followers suddenly swimming through the air, kicking rapidly.... one follower in a standing position, yet magically floating away from me, turning, and heading off into the forest, for no apparent reason).

I ran FRAPS this morning and noticed that when the driver resets seem to happen is when my FPS rate was skyrocketing well above 100-150 FPS. This reminded me of some old forum posts I saw where people said that capping Vsynch solved "strange physics issues". So, this morning I turned back on Vsynch in my NVidia Control Panel.

Now, I had disabled that a few weeks ago. I can't remember EXACTLY why, but I was fighting similar driver reset issues (though I also had complete driver crashes -- where only a reboot would fix it -- and a lot of CTD's)...and disabling VSynch seemed to improve things. Of course, since then I've made probably a dozen other minor tweaks, so I thought to myself "Let's turn VSynch back on and see what happens".

Running around outdoors and indoors seemed a LOT smoother. BUT, when I'd open up a menu to do some trading, I experienced massive lag in the controls... both mouse AND keyboard. After finishing my trading and adjusting some of my followers' equipment, I went back to running around. But things seemed a bit unstable and within 3 minutes, my whole system froze while still in-game. Had to reboot to get out of it.

I'm stuck at work for the next 12 hours or so, but I thought I'd post here to see what people thought about my issues with the menu controls with Vsynch back on ??


-= Dave =-

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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:48 am

You can try to change your Maximum pre-rendered frames to 1 if you have an Nvidia GPU.

Change your bMouseAcceleration=0 in your SkyrimPrefs.ini

Turn off AA and AF in your GPU control panel, and game menu too. (skyrim -> Options)

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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:26 am

Thanks, I'll give that a shot!

-= Dave =-

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Red Bevinz
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Post » Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:29 am

Disable the rumble function of a controller and turn of the 360 controller.


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Kayla Oatney
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