So I've been banned from forumfield for using quote pyramids...
Which got me to thinking that I should do something halfway constructive/creative today.
Like create a few new characters on Skyrim.
So I decided on a Dunmer Spellsword and a Nord Ranger. (I would like to use Breton but I don't want to completely copy Richard lol.)
I've got a few problems though, since I have chronic cannotmakeupmymind syndrome.
-Dunmer Spellsword
I've decided he'll be the first time I play as a complete selfish jerk wade, who takes what he wants, intimidates poor farmers for money, and uses invisibility potions when playing hide and seek with children. (After finding out he's dragonborn, he thinks he's the worlds biggest badass, and becomes VERY arrogant.) I know he'll be one I want to use for the Dragonborn questline and main questline, and I'm leaning towards him joining the blades, but that's about as far as I've gotten. What other factions should he join? Mages guild? Companions? Imperials? (He thinks stealth is for the weak, so no DB or TG)
I'm also stumped on names, but that's not important.
-Nord Ranger
I've decided this guy'll be exploring a lot, (Actually considering downloading a mod that adds new island/provinces.) hunting a lot, and generally living in the wild, and I've decided that he's perfect for the DG questline as a vampire hunter. I think I'll also get him far enough along in the main quest that he can fight some dragons as well. I'm also thinking of him being a more traditional "Skyrim for the nords" character, and have him join the Stormcloaks.
So basically I'm trying to come up with a name for both, maybe some mods that add "Morrowindy" armor, maybe some tougher wildlife to fight, and maybe a Blades mod that adds a little more replayability. I also seem to remember seeing a mod that adds a flaming sword. (Which I think all fire enchanted swords should look like, lol.) A more ranger-ish armor would also be nice.
Sorry for the wall of text
Just looking for suggestions since I've done like 10 Argonian Nightblade/Assassin/Thief characters.