To me, the whole concept seems impossible. I want to roll one, but can't justify how I would be able to seek out a number of the quests and I'm asking the good people of these forums for some help. It would be greatly appreciated! For example, from an RP pov, how would my character even have an inclination of where to begin with the likes of Namria, Mephala, Hircine and Hermaeus Mora?
The character wouldn't be in Skyrim to run errands, randomly help some spoilt kid in Dragon Reach etc and like i was the very first time I loaded the game up, have no prior knowledge of any quest.
I don't mean this as a slight on anyone as I have played in this manner too at some point myself, but it seems a portion of Daedric quests are purely there for the 'do everything in one play through' crowd rather than for those of us that like to justify our selection of quests in-game and in character. Oblivion had its issues, but at least each shrine could be realistically sought out.
At least with the likes of Malacath I can justify it as I can ask around the orc strongholds, with Molag Bal my character would investigate after being approached and so on.