How would you get an autograph from lets say Todd Howard, or anyone for that matter.
Would you bullrush them public or send a letter, an email?
Just curious here.
Thank you and good night!
How would you get an autograph from lets say Todd Howard, or anyone for that matter.
Would you bullrush them public or send a letter, an email?
Just curious here.
Thank you and good night!
I went to college in Flagstaff, AZ. It is an area of the country where a number of movies are filmed. For example, the movie Midnight Run was almost all shot in the area. Anyway, a number of celebrities came into town and would go out just like normal folks do. I would see them in the bar or whatever and never think to go up and talk to them. Maybe I would say something if I was like standing in line next to them, but that would be more small talk. I would see others bull rush them as you say and I could see the annoyance on their faces with some of those encounters. Even the people who approached them politely seemed to irritate them a bit, more like, I came here for a beer, can we tone down the hero worship?
So, basically I am saying that I have no idea on how to ask for an autograph because I would never ask for one. Unless I needed someone to sign a check or a contract.
Put them in the boot of the car and borderline hyperventilate as I breathe in the very carbon dioxide they exhale and refuse to let them go until they sign my nipbles with a magic marker so I can take a selfie and go '(Name) SIGNED MY NIPS! !!!!!!! '
I might keep them afterwards, you know, as a pet.
The pie idea doesn't sound bad haha. Helps you stand out from all those other fans.
"Cunningham... My office".
Oh wait!
That's RON Howard!
(and I only twigged just before I hit "post")
Here in the UK, rugby's a really big sport (the world cup is called the Eight Nations, but four of them are us xD) and I live in Leeds where the Leeds Rhinos (who have spent more time in their history as world champions than not) are always around the area where I go out on a night. I've bought a couple of players drinks a couple times, and got their autographs after a friendly talk.
Here in the UK, rugby's a really big sport (the world cup is called the Eight Nations, but four of them are us xD) and I live in Leeds where the Leeds Rhinos (who have spent more time in their history as world champions than not) are always around the area where I go out on a night. I've bought a couple of players drinks a couple times, and got their autographs after a friendly talk.
This is something I have never done, buy a drink for a person who has more money than me.
Rugby players aren't football players.
They don't earn a lot more than the normal person. Plus it's a tradition and a sign of goodwill here.
I hear bodily fluid from famous people sell well.
I always wondered why some of the famous act like royal 'runts' when a fan asks (politely) for an autograph or picture. Me, being naturally shy and quiet, I'd be a bit embarrassed/flattered, but I'd love to make a fan happy if I were some actor or singer. It's like some people only go 'I'm happy to take your money, I just don't want you 'lesser beings' touching my godliness.'
It was not like that give the stink eye to the people. But, as a people watcher, I would observe the interactions. These guys would be standing around with the friends, and people would come up to them and talk to them like they knew them. After the conversations, they look away would be the revealing part, the subtle, can't I just have a drink with my buddies kind of look.
For example, Judge Reinhnold seemed to really want to be somewhere else when a girl draqed herself all over him at the bar. I think she had one part of one thigh on her bar stool and the rest of her was all over him. I even knew the woman, she was dating a friend of mine at the time. But, Mel Gibson was quite nice about people talking to him, he even said hi back to me as I walked by to the pool tables. I said hi just because we passed each other, and it was just the polite thing to do at the time. Robert Deniro was talking to someone but after he turned away and gave that eye roll. Of course, I did not hear what he rolled his eyes about.