I have always wanted to play the quintessential scholar type character. This is something that I have been thinking about trying out for a while now but I am, frankly, unsure if its even feasible, given how Skyrim works.
I would like to make a character who is interested in unlocking mysteries and history of Skyrim. I know there are certain books that begin quests regarding ancient artifacts and such, but I am curious if there is other historical research that a character can do.
My question is, are there facts in the many books in Skyrim that can be verfied through traipsing around in dungeons? Is there mention of some random adventurer that died in random cave X that you can go and look for yourself, noting that the trap he supposely died on still exists? Or are all the books of Skyrim only there for entertainment value, minus the few that start you on quests?
I am unsure if I'm making sense, but the best description I can give is playing an Indiana jones type of character with a sprinkle of Lara Croft.
Does anyone have suggestions/knowledge regarding playing this type of character? Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated.