Yea cause in a straight fight you'd probably die.
For my characters of this type it helped a lot having companions with me. They rarely break my stealth in dungeons, but so often saved my skin by being cannon fodder to powerful enemies while I take my time shooting arrows and healing myself.
I've actually found this combo to be a little overpowered. Some of the stronger potions you can make combined with stealth bonuses will have you dropping powerful enemies in no time.
Definitely get one handed weapons, because bows are absolutely useless in close combat, as getting hit with a sword will make your bow shoot sideways until you recover. Get daggers, if you want to fit the sneak profile.
Bashing with the bow staggers the enemy long enough to get off another shot.
With a sneak level of 100 with the 5/5 stealth perk, and the other perks up the right side of the sneak tree, along with 100 in archery with the 5/5 overdraw perks, its difficult to find another form of offense more deadly in my opinion as you will be constantly one-shotting most enemies while remaining undetected. IT is in your best interest to invest in one handed also as a backup for close quarter combat in addition to dragon fights.
What? No way.
Use Alchemy to make poisons, which can easily aid in battle, especially those that damage health and stamina.
Tip the arrow, fire, and watch the agony unfold.
Hmm ...
Hmm ...
Not really going to work without Smithing. Just like Skyrim is designed for you to have to svck down a half dozen pots during a time freeze in every major fight, it also requires you to upgrade your gear to stay alive. I hate it myself, but that's just how it is.
Course ... now someone is going to post how they played a level 500 character on Impossible difficulty without ever using Smithing ...
Love the internet.
Is the stealth perk any good? I've always wondered if I should go 5/5 or just leave it 1/5.