So far, all of my event and functions appear to be firing correctly, but I want to determine what and when the player sees things,
What I want:
The player sees "Use Potion Combiner".
On activation, the player inventory opens to the potion focus and the player clicks on x number of potions that are added to the potion container.
When they close the inventory screen, the activator is disabled for 10 seconds or so while a glow effect plays.
Then potion container opens to the potion focus to let the player collect the new potions.
What is happening:
The player sees "Use Potion Combiner".
On activation, the potion container inventory opens to the all focus, the player has to switch to the player inventory, switch to the potion focus, then click to add x number of potions to the potion container.
When they close the inventory screen, the activator is disabled for 10 seconds or so while a glow effect plays.
The potion container opens to the All focus.
It seems that I can't get the game to display things quite the way I want, but I figured I'd put it out there to see if I'm just missing something.
Keep in mind, so far the code below is pretty much bare bones, sloppy, and experimental while I try to work out what I need to do.
Actor Property PlayerRef AutoObjectReference Property _AE_Activator Auto ObjectReference Property _AE_Container Auto ObjectReference Property _AE_Static AutoEffectShader Property _AE_GlowFX AutoMessage Property _AE_AddPotionsToAlembic AutoEvent OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef); Debug.Messagebox("OnActivate Event has Fired.") RegisterForMenu("ContainerMenu") If akActionRef == PlayerRef _AE_Container.Activate(PlayerRef) _AE_AddPotionsToAlembic.Show() Self.Disable() StartGlow(); StopGlow() EndIf EndEventEvent OnMenuClose(String MenuName); debug.messagebox("OnMenuClose Event has fired") If MenuName == "ContainerMenu" EndIf EndEventFunction StartGlow(); debug.messagebox("StartGlow Function has fired") _AE_GlowFX.Play(_AE_Static) ManipulateItems() endFunctionFunction ManipulateItems(); Debug.Messagebox("ManipulateItems Function has fired.") StopGlow() EndFunction Function StopGlow(); debug.messagebox("StopGlow Function has fired") UnregisterForMenu("ContainerMenu") _AE_GlowFX.Stop(_AE_Static) _AE_Container.Activate(PlayerRef) Self.Enable()EndFunction
Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Debug.Messagebox("Something has been added to the combiner.")endEvent
ah crap. tried to neaten up the code but the damn board wouldn't cooperate.