Hi all.
I'm at a point in my quest where the player has to wait 24hrs until the next objective appears.
This works fine, after 24hrs player is told to meet NPC + NPC horse at a specific location. The NPCs are then enabled and they do appear. The human NPC then initiates a forcegreet package, this also runs perfectly but the NPCs are frozen, they don't move at all. The next AI Package the NPC runs is a Travel package, which means hopefully she'll get on her horse and ride away. This package is reached I've checked but because she is frozen she does nothing. I've enabled both NPCs in CK, coc-ed into the game and setstaged the quest to a stage after the WaitGameTime so it never runs and everything works perfect - NPC completes forcegreet and starts travel package (sometimes getting on the horse that's another issue) and off she goes.
The only thing I can pinpoint the frozen NPCs on is the WaitGameTime command. Anybody got any ideas on how to solve this? Thanks.