Using the underlined definition of the word "saint" as a basis for discussion:
Do you reckon that Aerin has the makings of a saint, why or why not?
Using the underlined definition of the word "saint" as a basis for discussion:
Do you reckon that Aerin has the makings of a saint, why or why not?
Honestly, Aerin should be a saint, because he saved a wounded warrior nearly dying near a Dwemer ruin.
Aerin may seem like a stalker at first, but he saved a young woman from death. I respect him for that.
Technically, it's his bed. He owns the house.
Why just Aerin? why not other characters as well? if we're basing him being a saint because he helped Mjoll then the clarification that he's obsessed is needed. when you help someone you do it out of the goodness of your heart (in this case) and leave them be, not moan about how your life would be pointless if they left. and you'd beat it once the woman made her choice to be married to someone else, not sneak into their house.
I always wondered, what if you marry Mjoll the Lioness. What would become of Aerin? Guess he would be the fifth wheel.
Creepy stalkers are no saints, what do you think he was doing in such a dangerous place? Stalking Mjoll before she knew he was her shadow.
I make him "disappear" before I marry her, we can't build a happy home with a weirdo lurking around and Mjolls heart is too big to ask him to leave her alone so I handle him before I propose.
He even stalks her if you make her a Blade, the guy just can't take a hint that she's out of his league.
I married Mjoll, moved her into my house in the Pale, and Aerin then proceeded to follow her....And then watch her while she sleeps in our bed.
Yeah, no.
If I weren't playing a lawful good character, he would be very dead.
I still wanna know what he was doing there in the first place.
He reminds me of some boy meets girl, can't get girl. boy stalks girl and then after she is left wounded by the enemy who has then moved on... boy sneaks in like a "hero" to save the day. Boy then clings to girl like a weirdly disturbed person just waiting for that moment he can get a feel and guilt trip her into not smacking that smirk off his face.
Whole reason I dislike Mjoll is her baggage.. either she likes his attention or is dumber then she looks.
^This The very idea that he was stalking her in a dwemer ruin is appalling.
I agree, I never understood why the little guy leaves if the LDB marries her.
I always kill him though cause, I imagine he'd try and murder me in my sleep or something
Or C. her heart is too big and beautiful to tell him to piss off.
I actually knew a girl in a similar situation in real life where a guy helped her out in a nice way then wouldn't leave her alone and she was too sweet to put him in his place so I had to....hmm maybe this is part of the reason I love Mjoll.
He's more of a stocker if you marry Mjoll.
I bet he stalked Mjoll to Mzinchaleft and hope something bad happens to her so he can be a "knight in shining armor". The Gods were with him that day it seems.
Never married her, yet, but Haggar gave me something to think about if I make a PC to wed the Lioness.
He might be a nice person, but a lot of it is obviously because he wants to get into her pants (or should it be greaves in this case?)
well, he'll have to undo the whole shebang because its a one piece.
Surprised he did not stalk Haelga yet (or maybe he did until Mjoll showed up).
Aerin is an expert at preying on other people's wives.
It doesn't mean you can't... fail to save him when a giant attacks.
I wouldn't mind Aerin if he were only a friend. After all, the more the merrier. But he clearly want to get into her greaves, you don't want to keep a guy like that around.