I could really use some help

Post » Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:52 pm

I am totally lost on what to do at this point. Please forgive my methods of explaining this as I am not the most savvy with PC related issues.

I am having issues where things in my game just bug out. Water, animals and such seems to spaz. The water seems to flash at times. The best way to describe it would be that it's like the nighttime sky during a lightning storm. And, every time the "lightning" flashes, the sound sort of flashes with it.

With animals; they jump up in down, really fast, in place. For example; the bear in the Helgen caves is sleeping, but his sleeping body jumps up and down repeatedly and swiftly. I noticed this right from the intro because when I was in the carriage with Ulfric, our horse spazzed out and died. It almost seemed like we rolled the carriage. I was then stuck there. I transferred a save from my old PC to skip that part, thinking it was isolated, but came across the issues I listed above, so I assume it's related.

I don't have any mods, other than the official High Res Texture packs. I have uninstalled and wiped my PC clean of Skyrim files twice now, with no luck. My PC specs are as follows:

BenQ xl2420TE 144hz
MSI z87 GD-65 MoBo
iCore7 4770k 3.5ghz
20gb DDR3 1866
EVGA GeForce GTX 770 2GB SC
512gb SSD 840 PRO
Windows 7 Professional 64
512gb HDD
850w Rosewill PSU
All my drivers are up to date and PC has no viruses/malware. Does anyone have any tips or experience with this?
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Post » Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:07 am

Did you disable V-sync in the Ini, that can cause these sort of issues.

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Jessica Raven
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Post » Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:53 am

May be the High-res, as I've never heard of it happening. But then again, I don't have PC.

Or, you've been hitting the Sleeping Tree Sap too hard.

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how solid
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Post » Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:28 am

Hi, I know exactly what your problem is and how to solve it.

Problem: Your monitor is having a refresh rate higher than 60 Hz. Skyrim can not handle this. V-Sync settings don't matter in this case, but manually switching off v-sync in Skyrim ini files with a 60 Hz monitor will show the same results.

1) nVidia: limit your screen refresh rate to 60 Hz in the nVidia driver settings (I have no experience with nVidia)
2) AMD and nVidia: Use MSI Afterburner to limit the refresh rate to 60 Hz. You can find specific guides for this tool on google, or ask here later if you want me to give a step by step guide.

After limiting to 60 fps, the game will run normal. I advise to also start a new game, because playing in the glitchy state too long can have some effects on ingame timers and other bugs.
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:12 pm

I downloaded Afterburner but don't see an option for limiting refresh rate

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carly mcdonough
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Post » Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:24 am

Google should help... anyway, you can go into the installation map of the tool. There you will find a 'second' tool that comes with it. Find RTSS.exe and run that.

1. Click the 'wrench' button on the top right
2. Select 60 in the framerate limit field, then close this window
3. Minimize with the triangle button on top right. The limit works as long as you see a small 'airplane with purple 60' icon in the taskbar
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