One thing I really love about New Vegas yet find lacking in the Elder Scrolls series is your companions.
New Vegas has only 8 permanent companions scattered around the Mojave, not including temporary quest/DLC followers.
Skyrim, for example, has a lot more, but of a much lower quality. While most had a few lines about their backstory, it wasn't much, and they seemed to be able to adapt to any weapon with ease.
Each of the followers in NV were unique, fully voice acted (No copy-paste generic lines), and even had their own personal quests, through which you learned a lot about them and sometimes affected their lives in big ways. Their skills were also put to use through a perk. For example, Raul, a ghoul mechanic, would cause your weapons to degrade slower (as if he helps keep them in good condition) etc.
Should the Elder Scrolls take a similar quality-over-quantity approach for followers?