I figured people also experience this when doing the MQ.
The thing about elder dragons is that your very first encounter with that type usually happens at a level when you're too weak to deal with one of those.
Around level 20-25 or so. You don't win that battle as much as survive it.
You're having a stroll about the Reach and then suddenly, an elder dragon appears for the first time in that gameplay. It attacks with Fire Breath and instantly depletes over half your HP. You think "No, no, no!!" and desperately try to find a rock to hide and heal yourself. Then you decide to go up against the dragon and realize the bites deal a lot of damage too.
It proceeds to chew and spit you out, and you feel happy for having saved the game when the fight started. After a couple humiliating attempts, you finish the elder dragon before it does by a stroke of luck.