I was watching this video on YouTube---> http://youtu.be/eSosT0Z_UvM?t=1m50s and it got me thinking. With the advancements in neuro surgery would it possible to take a head off of one person and transplant it on the body of another that was compatible and extend a person lifespan even further. The only reason we age is that the DNA in our bodies eventually breaks down to the point to where it can no longer repair itself and thus Grimm comes a knocking at your door, but with a new body (let's say early 20's) comes fresh blood and DNA and thus the ageing in your head become repaired (also let's hope one's brain doesn't succumb to Alzheimer's or Dementia) and reversed thus giving you more life----just on a different body. So my question is could something like this be possible someday and would you want to go through the process?