Interesting editorial I'd like to get your thoughts on.
What the heck is a grown-up gamer? I read the article and it seems that they all have different definitions.
Also, what's up with you and IGN lately, Jack?
when I had to wade through many flash ads to read the first paragraph.
That was what my first thought was when I read it.
I'm not sure when I became a grown up gamer.
But I can definitely see the difference between the maturity I had when I was in my teens versus now.
When I was younger I was a a troll, incredibly vulgar, and just a downright terrible person. I was the guy who'd be killing themself -- losing points for your team. I'd be betraying you in Halo. I'd be the impersonator, the manipulator, the instigator and it never ended well. I enjoyed that part the most.
Whenever that completely stopped -- thats probably when I became a grown up gamer.
About a year ago, I'd say. I was a very pretentious "grown up" gamer before that. Perhaps I still am to a less grating degree.
And yes, I'm going to answer the thread title despite it not being the real subject.
I don't want to grow up. I'm a Toys-R-Us kid, one of the original.
Where do they find these fools? The tone in most of their articles make them seem like they are passing themselves off as some sort of video game gurus who are just a 'little ahead of the curve' when it comes to gaming, and somehow superior to us non professional gamers because they wasted 10+ grand and a few years of their life studying video game media in hopes that it actually means something.
I laugh any time any of them talk about their job at IGN as a career. They're a bunch of pseudo journalists, no more credible then your friendly neighbourhood tabloid journalists who write articles in those terrible magazines.
I am of course referring to the site and the personnel as a whole, and not to just this specific article.
I don't think I'll ever grow up, and people who think they have are kidding themselves. Also he makes it seem like the only possible good thing to do with ones life is have a bog standard one. Actually I know this could be taken as my own insecurity showing forth, but I have to say I'm picking up on more than a little resentment from the author/s. He doesn't make it sound as amazing as he wants it to. Grass is always greener on the other side as they say.
I would say that when my kids became a reference for finding good games I was clearly an advlt gamer.
Grown up gamer?
Surely by this point we can dispense with the idea that videogames are just for kids?
Surely by now we don't think people are childish for playing videogames?
We're not talking about arcade machines, we're talking about a colossal entertainment industry.
The whole concept behind that article is [censored].
I'm not sure I understand the question or the point of the linked responses. But then I'm only sixty-two (two weeks shy of sixty-three). Maybe when I grow up I'll get it.