I'm relatively new to this community, but, since I started gaming in the 90ies, not quite as new to TES games nor MMOs. I wittnessed the rise of both pretty much first hand, and I have been looking forward to seing a blend of the two (ie. a large scale AAA MMO with great personal freedom and "realism") for some time now and the more I learn about ESO, the more I think it might just strike the right balance there... maybe....
One thing always intrigued me about the TES games was the attention to detail, and from everything I know about ESO right now (from various sources) I have some concearns... my question to you would be now, how important are "the little things" to you?
Examples (of which I'm pretty much convcined that they aren't in the game right now):
- Bows/crossbows need arrows and bolts to function and there are different veriants of those in the game.
- The inventory is based on your characters strength, and not a flat out 50 items max.
- Worn jewelry (earrings, circlets, etc.) is displayed on your character and not only cosmetics chosen at character creation.
- There are actual items/tools needed for gathering crafting materials.
That's all I can savely point out right now/think of... what do you think? Are those little things needed?