the option looks nice, but it makes me somehow afraid it could be pushed at this moment (at launch). later on would be very good to have for adding more endgame content.
Wish you could post a link* as a search of that site turned up nothing for Elder Scrolls Online
You need to be a member for a few days and have, I think, 5 posts, before you can post a link.
No, I refuse to marry ESO.... I will be playing her nightly though.
I think they mentioned something similar to this, not exactly marriage but it was something including a bond between two characters, friendship stuff? Can't exactly remember, it was very briefly mentioned months ago.
there could be a few bounds: marriage, friends, mentor/disciple, lovers each option giving some small bonus and this bonus could grow in case couple stays for longer time, possibility to fast travel.
Wonder if it was one of those robot written news stories that Search Engines are starting to do now...
1. Bing is HORRIBLY unreliable, You should never use it.
2. is ALSO not reliable, they are likely ust Guessing it is going to be in. not a single word has been said about marriage from the devs
I remember this as well. It was Paul Sage who said it in a live interview if I recall correctly.
Yes I definitely remember Paul Sage saying something about this, it was a long time ago so things may have changed.
I think this is the
last thing that anyone should be worried about honestly!
All I found.