Title: Drakkmore's Crystal Egg replacer for The Uber Crystal Egg Hunt
Version: 1.0
Author: Drakkmore
Download Link in image
Title: Drakkmore's Crystal Egg replacer for The Uber Crystal Egg Hunt
Version: 1.0
Author: Drakkmore
Download Link in image
Oooh they're unbelievably shiny... Now I feel compelled to go out and find the rest of them. Thank you for this excellent mod, my meager collection looks quite a bit more impressive.
OMG. You made them glossy and shiny on the same day someone else made them reflective and near-transparent. Decisions decisions...
Thank you, Hope you like them.
I actually made this about mid July, or so days of making Gloss, and Normal maps for the eggs. I was pretty tired of looking at them by the time I was done.
Not only are they glossy, and shiny, but they also have a slight transparency to them, though not nearly to the point of the other mod that was released today. Mine also has a whole new texture made for them, and is smoothed where the other mod released today does not appear to have smooth applied to the eggs.
Huh, so there was another replacer released today! I didn't think the egg mod was all that popular, but I'll still be sticking with this replacer.