Help Getting a Lesser Power to Work?

Post » Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:31 pm

Hi all,

i'm trying to make a personal "lesser power" (although it's quite powerful) that my ranger can use whenever he wants for 25 seconds.

When I use it, the effect properly appears on my character, however the magical effects I made do not seem to do anything. Did I miss something? I'd like him to run faster and gain waterwalking (and some increased stamina) for 25 seconds. I made a magical effect (fire and forget casting type, delivery self, with effect archetype of Dual Value modifier). The dual values are SpeedMult and WaterWalking. I left everything else vanilla (didn't touch a thing) besides giving it a magic item description. No scripts. I then made a spell (under less power) and put that effect as part of the spell with a magnitude of 25 (tried 5,10,15,25)

After adding it through the console, I was able to press 'z' to use it and gain the effect, but it did not do anything (I just sunk in the water, and didn't run any faster)

I'm sure I forgot something critical - any thoughts? Thanks so much!

It won't let me post screen shots btw, not sure why that might be (wysiwyg editor isn't even working to let me paste a link)

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Heather Dawson
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Post » Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:57 pm

Are you sure the magic effect is Fire and Forget and self targeted? Are you sure you added the duration under the spell? Also you can try uploading the screenshot to a website, imgur or something and post the URL (you might need to break it up or something).

Also for increasing the AV SpeedMult, the effect is somewhat weird as it doesn't update right away. You can get around this by also modding CarryWeight (by a very small negligable amount).

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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:38 am

thanks let me try:

so it's imgur of course and then /a/HNBMf

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John N
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