Hey there
So most of my gaming takes place on the somewhat bad-ass gaming rig that I built during the summer last year. II enjoy the stunning graphics and performance that PC gaming provides. However constantly sitting at my desk to play video games Is becoming a bit of drag!
So I was considering extending my platforms by purchasing a handheld gaming device, my question to you is what should I get?
I'd like to be able to maintain the sort of high quality gameplay and visuals my PC offers as best as possible, which Is why I wasn't to interested in purchasing a 3DS, the Vita however does appeal to me however as the games appear little more technically impressive, or should I simply get the Nvidia Shield the ability to play Skyrim from the comfort of my bed does seem like the promise land!
Yet I'm not sure if it's be around long enough to be as reliable as either Sony's or Nintendo's offerings.
Any help you can provide on this matter would be awesome!
Cheers Guys