I'm planing to lift my overhaul mod to its second version. As part of it's ascension I'd like to present a concept of Perk rebalance/readjustment. There are three criterias this Perk "overhaul" has to fulfill...
- Not removing any of the vanilla perks inside the perk trees, no matter how "boring", "useless" or "overpowered" they are. Addition > Removal
- Make Perks appear as what they actually should be, an expression and reflection of your characters development, and an interpretation of Skills/Classes in replacement of missing content
- Modifie the Perk tree with highest impact possible, without destroying the Vanilla mechanics, and merging two relative Perks into one, to make room for new perks
So the initial idea looked something like this. Several criterias, like Perk picture, skills fitting together etc. have been put into consideration...
New Perk Name | Original Perk Name | Associated Skills | Associated Class Name
Forging | Smithing | Smithing + Enchanting | Smith Armament | Heavy Armor | Heavy + Light Armor | Guardian Close Combat | Two Handed | Two + One Handed | Warrior Ranged Combat | Archery | Archeyr + Sneak | Ranger Vitality | One Handed | Athletics + Acrobatics | Athlete Shield | Block | Heavy + Light Shield | Defender Thief: Leadership | Light Armor | Followers + Charisma | Leader Malevolence | Sneak | Assault + Assassination | Assassin Thievery | Lockpicking | Lockpicking + Pickpocket | Rogue Merchantry | Pickpocket | Trade + Commerce (Prices) | Trader Sociologie | Speech | Dialogue + Friendship (social interaction) | Bard Potioncraft | Alchemy | Potions + Potions | Potioner Mage: Mystery | Ilussion | Ilussion + Alteration | Ilussionist Wizardry | Alteration | Magic Staffs and Spellswordry | Wizard Priesthood | Restoration | Restoration + Fortificatino | Cleric Shamanism | Destruction | Animal taming (interaction) + Shapeshifting | Druid Paladism | Enchanting | Intervention + Galandry | Paladin Sorcery | Conjuration | Conjuration + Destruction | Warlock
The problem with this concept, while awesome in theory, it practically isn't feasible without restructuring almost the complete game content related to player skills. This affects Perks, Spells, Weapons, Armors, Loot, Actor Values, Combat etc. etc. etc. So I have to come up with a different concept, which I will start to work on now. It appreciate any input you like to grant, specially related to wishes in how to expand existing Perk trees. There's a lot of potential and opportunities in the concept. But I need to find a way to circumvent the problem of game mechanics affecting the particular skills.