But I do not understand why he needs MMO for this. But let's laugh togeher
O_o While I understand the want for a more mature game, this type of modding is just out of the question.
If you want a mature MMO you probably want to turn to European developers. American / Canadian developers seem to be terrified of nudity or anything even remotely Mature.
Don't get me wrong, I adore how TESO has turned out, just stating the obvious.
Indeed, if you want a full-nvde MMORPG check out Mortal Online. Or don't. That works too.
i have a hard time believing any mature "advlt" wrote that.
This "game" exists... it's called Second Life. I'm not laughing, because I know people who mess around in SL, and I never laugh at anybody else's fetishes as long as they respect mine
However, there's a place for everything, and ESO is not gonna be the place for this. SInce you're bypassing the mainstream MMO market it really demands a completely different economic model, one which Second Life deftly provides. You can make real world money on your six mods there and it's perfectly legal It also requires a completely different game engine.
I've looked at Shroud of the Avatar, btw, and just like a lot of what's in Second Life, sadly, the art quality is... about what you'd expect from content generated by enthusiastic amateurs :/
cool post!
You been here, all silent, since 27 nov 2013 and this was your first post?
My kind of guy!!
Keep up the good work!
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