adding a light is easy.
Switch to your "Object Window" window, and click the + next to WorldObjects. I hate to be a bit harsh on you, but if you did not see the additional + next to the item "Lights" then jeez. Anyways, once you dropped down the WorldObjects tab, minimize any other tabs (for convenience) until you find the + next to the "light" tab. select the plus sign to drop down the light tab and click on "light". Once clicked on, it will show every available light source in the game, ofcourse underneath that are subtabs that show architectural lights, clutter lights, dungeon lights, ect, but if you want to use lights with no mesh/texture, but just the light themselves, select the "Light Tab" at the very top.
select Amb300 (second light object down on the list) and double click to open it's properties.
IMPORTANT!!! First thing, and I cannot stress this enough, before you do
ANYTHING in the window that opened up, change the ID to a new ID of your choice
**Good modding habit to practice is to always start the new ID with either YOUR initials or your mod's initials. For example my mod is Camp Simplicity, so every new object I created in that mod starts with "CS[objectname]" this makes things easier to locate for yourself and others who wish to change something.
after changing the ID you really don't need to mess with the script or the FOV, or Falloff Exponent. The radius is the size, and for a lamp, 300 - 500 is good (600 if you want to be daring).
Changing the colour, you can either type in the value amount of that colour, or use the select colour tab. The "brighter" the colour, the brighter the light. So if you have a yellow light (for fire) and have the darkness slider closer to the top, it will be brighter.
The fade value is how fast it fades from the center. For a lamp, leave this value as it is. I recommend values between .8 - 1.0 for lamps.
The flicker effect should be self explanatory. For fire, you want to set it to "Flicker". "flicker slow" "Pulse" "Pulse Slow" each do something a tiny bit different, and are pretty self explanatory, so I am not going to go into detail on this.
On the right side of the panel there is "This light can be carried". Ignore this. This is what you would set if you were making a new torch - so to speak. below that are seperate check boxes. Select the "Dynamic" check box. I am unable to accurately explain each check box, so just do as I say. By selecting any others, it will not cause damage to your game, so feel free to expirament to see what check box does what.
After you have ran through and changed the settings to your linking, hit okay, and
(IMPORTANT!!!) when the dialogue box comes up saying "Old ID: Amb300 New ID:[yourmodID] You have changed the Form's Editor ID. Create new Form?"
Be sure - and again I cannot stress this enough - Be sure to hit "Yes"
and there is your guide