1)Is it possible to transfer the powers of The Gifts of the outsider to NPC's (like Assassins) so that they'll effectively use powers like Blink and windblast on combat? More like,when they're fighting you they'll occasionally blink behind you and try to stab you from the back.And,is there any way to script them or mod their AI specifically so that they fight like Dishonored's assassins-extremely fast,brutal and blinks quite often and also use long range attacks with crossbows etc.Any method to tweak their AI making them very complex,so that they'll use a specific power like windblast when they're at a disadvantage with you or blink behind you or try to blink away to escape when they're losing sword fights...etc.
2)Can first person combat and movement animations (like sliding during sprinting,leaping large distances during sprinting or using powers or swinging swords in mid air for making air assassinations,blinking in mid air to survive fall damage etc.) be made on the Creation Kit? Or do I have to use Blender or 3ds Max or Maya for those?
3)Any mod to make a specific map of Skyrim completely seamless with no loading screens during entering or exiting houses,mansions or castles?I know it takes a lot of RAM but won't it be possible with the 4GB RAM mod for Skyrim?
4)I know I sound too ambitious to work on something so big and it seems like it's literally impossible for someone like me who has so little knowledge on the Creation Kit and modding.But I'm going to take as long as it takes and will try to work slowly as I learn more and more things.So I hope you guys don't judge me rightaway and at least help and support me by answering these questions.Thank you...