Ive never tried a Vats build in NV as being able to ADS kinda removed the need to. I want him to specialise in guns, specifically a sniper role but good with a pistol for close range. So for RP purposes he has to have high perception and I want him to be very charismatic too so 8 charisma min.
Question: Do any speech checks require a higher SPECIAL than 8 to appear? Like when you get an intimidation speech option with 8 str ( my previous character).
I know I can take weapon handling later on too so he doesnt have to be super strong.
Any advice on what skills I should focus on to get the best perks that go with this charactet early on?
Sorry just one more question I did try and search this but couldnt find the answer. Playing on VH what does it affect precisely? Id love to try it but not if it turns enemies into bullet sponges.
Sorry for long post :/ but thanks again for any tips. A bit worried I might end up cheating doing the DiD method. Ill try my best though.
Cheers lads.
PS On 360 so only play vanilla plus dlc. Hence the reason i want to try VH and DiD as I want to make the game interesting and challenging again.