Skyrim is not a great game for someone with a photographic memory. So I turned off quest markers and decided I would just explore Skyrim without doing any quest, find places, etc.
Half my game time is
"Oh what's that a cave"
"Oh I recognize this area, this [insert name of cave]"
Hopeful that it isn't, the cave is the name I said out loud.
A Scroll for Anska is the only quest I did, but I was running around. I was like hey a Nordic Barrow let me explore it, oh wait I know this, this is that quest a Scroll for Anska. I guess I can do it.
Oh hey I know this road it takes me to Dawnstar. Oh hey I know this puzzle [without having to look at the solution, on the ceiling or in plain sight, got it right]
At this point, I'm starting to get bored with Skyrim because I pretty much know the location of everything and pretty much know every quest its tied to, how to complete said quest, how said quest would end up, etc.
You know, this wouldn't have been a problem if quest you know had multiple ways of doing them.