My favorite alternative to SkyRe is by WTFus. It's smaller than SkyRe but I think it is every bit as good. In addition to being a combat overhaul it's one of the best perk overhaul mods around, in my opinion. The mod really shines when if you plan to play a thief or mage. It adds an Inventing skill tree that allows one to make traps, bombs and other handy devices. Many of its Light Armor perks benefit unarmored characters, which is great for mages and other characters we might roleplay who don't use armor. It's well worth checking out, in my opinion.
If you're just looking for a perk overhaul, Magickman12 is my foavorite. It adds a hundred new perks, going up to level 200, including some really unique roleplaying perks, quest-related perks, race-related perks and class-related perks.