To be honest I can't uderstand why MMORP don't take in account any way to natural lose skills/levels. I mean, if I'm lvl 40 character and I'm beaten on skills use by a lvl 38 mob/player I should deserve chances to lose skills points on skills used during the combat and, eventually, I should risk to lose a lvl if I keep to be beaten by lower rank mobs/players.
Moreover, a character should have a pool of maximum skill points tied to character level (i.e. 20 till level 10, 40 till level 30, 60 till level 40 and so on). Whenever one reach the maxmimum allocated skill points, tied to current character level, it can't grow anymore on slotted skills, and if it switches to a different armor, weapon, etc. it should lose skill points gained in previsously trained armor/weapon/... and gain new skill points on new weared armor/weapon/... that would be a more realistic system to handle skills: it's simply ridiculous to think one only gains points and never lose them whatever it is done. And, honestly I can't understand why all MMO keep falling on this point
In few words: If one play good it should improve own skills, otherwise it should worsen them. That's how it works in a true competition system. No excuse