"Set gamehour" - Dangerous?

Post » Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:59 am

Hello everyone!

I was wondering whether any of you have made bad experiences with using SetGamehour in a script. We have created several quest which rely on a script setting the gamehour to a specific value, but I'm kind of afraid that this will crash running AI-Packages in the current worldspace, as well as scripts that rely on SetGamehourUpdate. Have any of you made experiences with this? And if yes, is there a command such as "SendGamehourUpdate" or something similar to work around this problem?

Thanks in advance,


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Post » Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:49 am

I've personally never hit upon any serious issues with it-- NPCs will update correctly when they update their packages (for example, go try it in the console, and watch what happens). What I do know, however, is that it does not correctly update GameDaysPassed or the actual in-game time.

For example, if it is 8pm, and you use "Gamehour.GetValue() + 12), it will be 32, instead of 08. So you'll need to take into account various things like the time of day, day of month, month of year if you want to keep things perfect, which is kind of a lot of work, I guess... (I'd recommend ignoring that-- I think most players would understand it as an acceptable 'error', if their story says it should be the next day, but it's really not).

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Post » Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:47 am

Other than those who RP to a schedule (eating, sleeping etc)

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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:12 pm

Just following up on CDM's post - if it doesn't update GameDaysPassed, I know that some Quests and things rely on that variable (like the timer which determines when a player's next dragon encounter will be likely to take place). Not sure if any of them are important or not, you could probably check the Use Info for GameDaysPassed or other relevant global variables in the CK.

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Janette Segura
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Post » Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:32 pm

Thanks for the feedback!

Since we're doing a Total Conversion, I don't think that any quests rely on it, yet. But what you've told me so far seems to make it neglectable. :)

What, however would happen to a script that turns on lanterns at a specific time of day by means of RegisterForGameHourUpdate?



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