funny, out of all the people here, you seem to be the only one who is getting agitated.
funny, out of all the people here, you seem to be the only one who is getting agitated.
So someone wishing you find a spot in this game is confrontational?
Also, you get what you want, ie drama, and now you run away and wish the thread to be closed?
I think it's more that you want people to bash you, so you can play the victim, and when they were, for the most part, reasonable you had to manufacture some drama.
Munchausen perhaps?
Feel the power of over-exaggerated hyperbole and begone
I want the thread to be closed because nothing valuable is coming out of it.
It's a controversial topic. What the mod said earlier wasn't all wrong, it probably ends up in flames sooner or later.
The goal for some people, while in a discussion, is to get to be the first ones to go 'round saying the "you mad bro" kind of thing. PKMN12 proves that right there. I'm not agitated, I just have to reply to about 10 people at once, half of which are opting for ridicule:
Anyone has trouble maintaining composure when confronted and highly outnumbered.
"Drama" would keep activity high, but for all the wrong reasons. It's like saying we need trolls for the forum because all the threads they make have multiple pages of acrimonious arguing and grief (woohoo, more activity!). The people drawn into such discussions are more likely to leave feeling aggravated or exhausted, and this won't bode well for the forum's (or MMO's) reputation. In the dramas you mention, it's usually someone enjoying themselves at the expense of others. This should never be the main selling point of a game.
You're also using an old well-debunked argument and twisting it to fit MMOs so why should we take your seriously?
Everybody's heard the "we need evil" argument and most people realize how much BS it is when they grow up.
OK, closed and nothing has come out of it apart from confrontation and flamebait, something we don't do on these forums.