Please hear me out fully before you label me. I'm not trying to cause a big fracas, but as I've been browsing articles on the UESP and as I've just played the game, I've come to realize the simple fact that this game has a lot of easily fixable bugs. Bugs that the unofficial patch has fixed that console gamers do not have. I simply wanted to pose the question, is Skyrim too buggy to earn a free pass?
Now I know we all bought the game and we all love it. I am currently playing through for the umpteenth time and am loving every minute of it. I also realize that Elder Scrolls games have always given more to those who put imagination into it. Not everything is perfect. However, I never expected perfection from this game, but I did expect it to work. By and large, it does, but when you look into items and perks you see that values stated are not true (such as the value for blocking) and there are discrepancies in major questlines (getting cured of lycanthropy does not negate dialogue from guards or stop your in-game werewolf day counter). These are small examples as well, I'm not trying to list them all for you. I'm sure someone already has anyhow.
I guess all I wanted to know is, do you think this game is too buggy? Please feel free to expand upon your own views. I know that I will not be buying the next Elder Scrolls game without seeing how it stacks up in this department, simply because as a matter of principle, I feel it is unacceptable for a game to contain so many bugs that seem to be present due to laziness or miscommunication. You can say they are minor and I know they gave this game a lot of post game support, but there are still a plethora of bugs that console players can't avoid, and that will continue to plague a great game. Bethesda owes it to their series, to themselves, and most importantly, to their fans; to do better.
Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse. I'm more interested in seeing peoples views on this subject than anything.